Let’s talk about Trout
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The Trout-In-The-Classroom folks have been planting rainbow fingerlings at Jones Bridge at the CNRA steps for at least 7 years now (that’s when I first noticed, anyway). Lately I’ve been catching a substantial numbers of them (up to 6 per session) up and down the river. You’ll know for sure when you see a fish substantially smaller than 9” stocker size. Sometimes though, you’ll find a very clean larger fish and wonder if it’s a TIC that’s been in the river a few seasons. The TIC fish act natural and will smash a reasonable sized dry fly! Pattern doesn’t seen to matter as they seem to be opportunistic feeders like brookies. I’ve typically found them on the edges of fast riffles and at the head of shoals. This argues for GDNR to stock of fingerlings to increase fish density. Seems like it would be a small investment that could really improve the fishery